Sunday, April 5, 2009


This week I shadowed my marketing manager. I unfortunately caught her on a really bad week because she was stressed. Basically I would listen to her on the phone and take notes on her sales pitch. After we finished her marketing calls she then called her clients directly. By listening to her over the phone it gave me a refresher for my own sales calls. After she called and touched base with her clients and the hotels they are working with we continued on with administrative work. Every time the marketing representatives (me) would finish calling a list from the associate the marketing manager has to record the number of leads that were generated by the reps.
One thing that I noticed about my marketing manager is that she was not as organized as she should be by the number of responsibilities she has. By shadowing my manager I was able to polish on my own sales pitch. I also was able to recognize that my manager has a number of responsibilities and even though she could have better organizational skills she still is a great manager.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like by shadowing your marketing manager you were able to learn more about yourself and your sales skills.
